Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brentwood Mall

Over the past 2 weeks we've gone to Brentwood mall on 2 occassions. I mention this for a couple reasons. 1 - we don't get out there so much any more. Especially compared to how often I went with Elijah when he was small. So, these have actually been Charlotte's first 2 times out at the play area. 2 - I took pictures, so I can share them. :)

The first time we went, I had to go to Zellers for something. We entered on the upper level (of course the upper level since that's where Starbucks is) and there happens to be a Bob the Builder ride just outside Zellers. Well, we couldn't go past it without Elijah climbing up on it. I think I've only ever once paid for one of those rides for him, and that was quite some time ago. So, I popped in the requisite Loonie to see how he'd like it. Predictably, he liked it. :D Charlotte was waiting in the stroller and she wasn't as thrilled.

Today was our most recent trip. I hadn't planned it but it happened to be close to the tile store we had to visit. It was also really windy outside so playing outdoors was not as appealing. We played in the play area for quite some time. The kids did pretty well. It's so weird being there now and comparing to when Elijah was little. I remember taking him there when he was so little he wasn't even crawling. (Here's a fun link to memory lane.) Now he's one of the biggest kids around. Boy, time flies. Well, I managed to get him to pose next to his sister for one good shot. It's not the best - the shadowing makes him look like he has a black eye! But at least they're in the same frame. :-)

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