Friday, March 19, 2010

Continuation of my second (or fifth?) career

Those who knew me in university, know I'm a pretty mean Cardboard box furniture carver. Yes, I had some pretty stellar stuff carved out. Well, today I had opportunity to resurrect that career and apply it to a new problem. Fort building. I'd been thinking about it for a while now and the boxes were sitting ready. Finally got to it. The result is a two storey masterpiece with multiple windows. I have one more box, which I was going to add in some wonderfully crafty way but Elijah is content with pulling it up to the entrance of the existing and using it as a second room. Good enough. I think he likes it. :-D


  1. Forgot to mention that he's able to stand up in it. He's actually standing to peak out of that smaller window. Yes, I rock.

  2. Remember when we made side tables out of cardboard boxes when we were roomates? They were awesome! Except when they had water spilled on them...
