Despite feeling pretty ambiguous about the Olympics coming to Vancouver originally, we caught the fever like many others and ended up doing quite a bit to see it.
Charlotte and I participated first. We were invited by Yvette and Avery to go see the torch relay in New Westminster. It was a beautiful day and parking was reasonable. We walked a little way from the parking lot and met up near the stage in Queen's park. We didn't have long to wait. There was a huge stage and lots on entertainment. Unfortunately, Charlotte was due for a nap and we discovered she REALLY didn't like the noise of a cheering crowd. Also, I was distracted, when the torch came. I was trying to get a picture of all the workers on a nearby building and almost missed seeing the torch entirely! Yvette got some better pictures and posted them on her blog, so you can see them here. Here are the good ones I got.
Then it was Elijah's turn. Gary was away for work and Helen offered to take him downtown on the skytrain for a little taste of the Olympics. I dressed him up in his Olympics gear (thanks Uncle John!), gave him a Canadian flag to wave, a dino backpack to carry things and sent him with Helen. They both had a lot of fun. Here are the pictures I took before he left. There are more pictures from Helen here.
I really wanted to watch the opening ceremonies on tv so that night I made a "special" dinner of natchos and set up a little table for Elijah to eat in the tv room. He was excited about that too. It was a very long dinner. :D Kinda fun but kind of a lot of work to get the kids to sit for so long. Thank goodness for the PVR. :D I ended up watching the end of it after I put the kids to bed.
A couple days into the Olympics (a Tuesday) Charlotte and I took the skytrain downtown to meet Gary for lunch and wander around a little. Was fun to see all the people wandering around and check out all the different things going on. Got some pictures as well, the same ones you see everyone else taking!
The next thing we did - Gary and I went to watch some short track speed skating! We bought the tickets from a brother of an ex-coworker of mine. (Thank goodness for Facebook!) It was pretty exciting. It was also the first time we left both kids for an extended period of time. We got 2 babysitters for this special occassion. :D (Thanks Helen and Shirley). The short track was at the Colliseum, not the Richmond Oval, which was too bad. Other than that, it was pretty fun. Line ups were not too bad for security. Transit was easy to use and well organized. All in all, a really good time. The events of the night were the Men's 1500m and the Women's 1000m races. Unfortunately, although there were some Canadians in each of the finals, we didn't win any medals that night.
So, that's the Olympic experience of our family. It was great. I'm pretty sure the children of Vancouverites will be more patriotic than we ever were. Elijah is now excited every time he sees a Canadian flag or even a Maple leaf symbol and he, along with many other kids, chant "Go Canada, Go!" a lot more than I ever did!