Monday, February 8, 2010

The rest of the year... (Part II)

There was more to share than I thought, so I broke this post into 2.

Some time after Christmas I bought a new storage cabinet. I love putting those things together so Gary knows not to offer now. However, Elijah seems to share my love of assembly and dragged all his tools over to help out. He even got to use the new powerful drill! He was very excited about it. And he's gotten good with the hammer - I started several finishing nails for him and he pounded them in for me - with a real hammer! Very cool to see. He enjoyed it so much.

We also enjoyed a visit from Sandra, Elvis and Ava. As you can tell, Sandra was near the end of her pregnancy. (To update - they had a planned C-section on Jan 12th and welcomed Ava's baby brother Jonah!) Ava and Elijah had fun playing in the basement. Was good to see them all!

And that brings us to New Year's Eve. Late night celebrations are certainly a thing of the past (for now) for Gary and I. However, despite our lack of planning, we ended up having Brian, Yvette, Josh and Avery over for a visit and dinner. Here are a few shots of Josh and Elijah playing. For some reason, they seem to wear the same outfit on the same day a lot lately. I think they must both have a couple favorites that they wear often enough to coincide with each other. It's pretty funny to see though.

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