Monday, November 2, 2009

A crazy busy weekend

Well, here we are on the other side of a very busy weekend. It started Friday night with a birthday banquet for Yehyeh. The kids were generally well behaved, but tired, so we were glad to get home and get them to bed.

Saturday was Hallowe'en. In the morning the kids and I went out and bought a pumpkin to carve. Elijah was enthusiastic until I gave him the spoon and asked him to scoop out pumpkin goop. This child does not like getting his hands dirty. :D However, he did help plan out the face and contributed to the drawing on the pumpkin. I also took some pictures of the kids posing with the pumpkin afterwards.

During the day, we did some other activities as well. Elijah worked on his Hallowe'en decorations that Grandma sent him. He sure enjoyed that glitter glue! Charlotte got to experience the jolly jumper for the first time, and seemed to like it. Woohoo!

We were not planning on going out trick or treating but when a call came in for him to join his friend Adam at his town house complex, we thought it would be fun for all. Sure was! Not only was he excited to see his friend but they had a great time. Their line, after knocking on a door, was "Trick or treat! RRROAR!". It fit since Elijah was a dinosaur and Adam was a Tigger. (aka Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)

Charlotte got into the game as well, with a cat costume lent from her cousin Yumi. Not only did it fit pretty well, but it kept her warm while we were walking around.

After the trick or treating we went home for dinner and to hand out some candy. Elijah was excited about this until he encountered a rather scary costume. After that he wouldn't come to the door with me anymore. Of course, between that and the fireworks going all night, he didn't have a very good night. During the night he also started exhibiting cold symptoms, as did I. We were all very tired Sunday morning as we up most of the night with him. So, Sunday was a slow day for us. Sunday night we had our family dinner to celebrate Yehyeh's birthday though. Korean ribs! Yehyeh's favorite.

So, here we are on Monday morning. Elijah is home from daycare today as his cold is quite bad. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be feeling better!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, the layout of this post sucks. But I've tried to fix it 10 times and now I give up. :D
