Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A few other pictures

There are a few random pictures taken during no specific event or for no special reason that I'd like to share as well. Here they are!

Charlotte eating Cheerios at various times...

Elijah making a cave behind the rocking chair with Charlotte's books and toys.

Charlotte and Elijah drinking juice at the mall.

Elijah playing with his dinos and train set at the same time. Later he incorporates a ride-on car as well.

Charlotte carrying the lunch bag as a purse, sitting in her stuffed chair and saying "cheese" when she saw the camera.

First snow of the year

It just so happened that one of the things Elijah got for his birthday was the first snow fall of the year! He was very excited and happy about that! The two of them went out to shovel and have other adventures, with me as chaperone. Charlotte was intrigued but wouldn't walk on the snow unless I held her hand. Good fun for everyone though!

Speaking of birthdays...

November's highlight was Elijah's 4th birthday of course! We had a small party at the house and did some crafty stuff as well as lunch and cake. We also had a family birthday dinner another night so that was good. Here are some of the better pictures. I'm pretty sure Gary took most of them as I was organizing. Kids seemed to have a good time so we'll likely try it again. I wonder if the house will feel more full as the kids get bigger or less full once the parents can drop them off and run away? :) Thanks to everyone who helped up celebrate!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Yehyeh's Birthday!

Yup, happy late birthday blog posting to Yehyeh as well. To celebrate last year, we all went out to a Chinese restaurant. I picked up the kids, then Yehyeh and headed to the restaurant. Of course, I hadn't been to Oakridge center in a while and ended up going to Oak instead of Cambie and circling back around. Then I parked in about the furthest spot away and had to treck the kids and about 5 bags of stuff into the restaurant, through the mall. Well, anyway, the meal was good and it was a happy birthday after all. :)

You know you're behind when....here's Hallowe'en!

What? No cute costume pictures until now? How negligent!! Well, here was our Hallowe'en. We ended up trick or treating with Josh (aka the policeman) and Avery (aka the chicken). Kids all had a blast. Actually, Yvette and I did too - we made the guys take all the kids out. Hahaha! Good for everyone!
Before Hallowe'en we did our pumpkin carving/painting. Elijah loves painting them and I love it as there are no sharp objects involved. He gets very involved in it, as you can see.

At daycare they had a Hallowe'en party as well. The dressed up, ate McDonald's happy Hallowe'en meals and had music on. Lots of fun. Although, for the record, when we got home Charlotte threw up her, at that point, not-so-Happy-Meal. Oops.

Monday, January 17, 2011

More dragon dancing

I think that darn noisy dragon spent some time being the favorite toy for a while. I found this other video of Charlotte dancing to it. Elijah is teasing her, turning it off and on. She's like a wind up toy - she dances off and on too. Crazy kid. Love her outfit too - I just pulled the hat out for her to use as it was getting cold and she wouldn't take it off. The dress is from my friend Jen and I put some random slightly-matching clothes underneath to keep her warm.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Charlotte sliding and spoon-feeding herself

Quite some time ago, I took the kids to Motoring Munchkins one Friday. Charlotte was just learning the slide and she was going up and down constantly. Of course, her progress was slightly hampered because I stuffed her into some too-tight jeans. Oops. :) We have since purged her drawer of all jeans. They just don't fit. :)
Anyway, here she is - so proud of herself.
The second video was taken on October 8th, right around the same time as the last video. So, Charlotte was 16 months at the time. I think this was the first time she just picked up the spoon and started using it, at home. She was probably doing it at daycare already, but I hadn't seen it yet. So, she started doing it and was doing it so well that of course, I got the camera and recorded it. I know, gripping action... :)

Singing Chinese Dragon

I think we may have already posted pictures or video involving this horrifically loud dragon, but here's another! Charlotte loves dancing and this particular day she danced every time the dragon sang. Goo Ma was having fun making her do it every 5 minutes. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Picture catch up

I've been trying to catch more pictures of the kids together. Boy, that's a new challenge! :) There have been some successes and I think they always look doubly cute. A Mom's perspective, I'm sure.

21 Questions with Elijah

I saw this on Yvette's post the other day and thought it was super cute. I asked Elijah a series of questions and recorded his answers. Here they are!

1. What is something mommy always says to you?


2. What makes you happy?
Drinking juice

3. What makes you sad?

4. What makes you laugh?

5. How old are you?

6. How old is Mommy?

7. How old is Daddy?

8. What is your favourite thing to do?
I like to play garbage can

9. Who is your best friend?
Adam and Joshie

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

11. What are you really good at?

12. What are you not very good at?
Blowing my nose

13. What did you do today?
I builded something and I crashed it down

14. What is your favourite food?

15. What is your favourite song?
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Now I know my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me!

16. What do you want for (holiday or birthday) this year?
Buzzligh...I want Woody!! Woody with Buzz!

17. What is your favourite animal?

18. What is love?

19. What does mommy/daddy do for work?
Mama – You work and work and work and work.

Papa – He pays for money

20. Where do you live?
Home Depot

21. Where is your favourite place to go?
Adam's Birthday
Yup, that's my kid!