Friday, October 23, 2009

Random update


Well, aside from throwing massive tantrums lately, Elijah has recently received a new stuffed horse from a family friend. Believe it or not, this horse actually REPLACED MONKEY (!?!?!??) as the favorite for about a week. I noticed he slept with monkey again last night, but I couldn't believe he was put aside for a while. It might have something to do with the crustiness of the monkey now versus the softness of that new horse. (ToyRUs stopped selling those monkeys so I haven't been able to replace any of them.) Anyway, here's a shot of the horse in the car. Can't remember where we were going, but he was allowed to bring him. We also gave him a haircut in the bathtub again. This time we thought to use the drape sheet that came with the clipper kit. (I am so S-M-R-T) And the final shot is what happened when Elijah saw kids in the alley with bikes the other day. He begged me to let him show them his tricycle. So, we got it out and he ever so proudly rode up and down the alley with the local bike gang.


She continues to learn new tricks. The picture is how I found her in her crib one morning - totally wormed out of her blankets and turned sideways and feet up on the edge of the railing. I think I may have to lower that mattress soon. She also giggles alot now. It's really cute and I managed to capture a few such giggles the other morning.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Karson's Birthday

We were invited to help celebrate Karson's 5th birthday at the nearby Me&Ed's pizza parlour recently. Elijah had a great deal of fun, as he always does when he sees his friends from his old daycare. I managed to snap a few pictures but the lighting wasn't great so there are not many good ones.


This year we sure have a lot to be thankful for. We had plenty of family around to help us celebrate. Thanks to everyone who came for dinner, for making it fun for us all. Grandma and Grandpa came for the weekend (Happy 35th Anniversary to them as well!), Devin and Caroline spent Saturday night with us, and Charlotte hit her 4 month marker. To mark the occassion, Charlotte learned some new trick her tongue that she keeps doing and makes us all laugh.

At the Aquarium

Devin and Caroline came to Vancouver for a wedding and managed to sneak in a visit with us as well. We decided to take them to the aquarium as they hadn't been and we hadn't been at all this year either. It was a beautiful day, although a little chilly. We had a good time and I managed to get a few random pictures. None of Devin and Caroline though! Good grief!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Canadian Baby Photography

When Elijah was a couple months old we had a photographer in from Canadian Baby Photography and got some portraits done. You can see his whole photo shoot here. With Charlotte, we decided it was only fair to do the same thing. I decided to show the comparison of the two kids here, since it illustrates just how similar they actually look at the same age. Way too cute!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Daycare updates

We've had a couple of email updates about what Elijah and the other kids have been doing at daycare. Pictures have been included, which I thought would be fun to share. Elijah has been doing some typical things (anyone guess hockey?) and trying some new ones like yoga. Good stuff!